
Building Resilience For Sea Level Rise and Extreme
Precipitation: Preparing for Boston’s Uncertain Future

Sunday, June 11

Museum of Science, Boston.  1 Science Park, Boston, MA 02114

How should Boston build resilience for dealing with weather and climate-related hazards in the coming decades? Participants will use visualizations to explore potential vulnerabilities to our infrastructures, social networks, and ecosystems from sea level rise and extreme precipitation events. Participants will discuss tradeoffs and uncertainties associated with potential strategies for addressing these threats, focusing on the priorities and needs of relevant stakeholders. At the event’s conclusion, participants will make recommendations for increasing community resilience.

Apply to participate in this day-long forum at the Museum of Science on Sunday, June 11. The event is designed to gather the opinions of a diverse range of people from different backgrounds, experiences and perspectives. Participants don’t need to know anything about the topic to be selected. A stipend will be provided to participants who attend.

Applications are now closed as we have completed our participant selection process.